The Internet Society Foundation funds ideas and supports communities to build, access and leverage the Internet to enrich their lives.

Our philanthropic efforts aim to: expand Internet access and connectivity, build Internet resiliency, promote digital inclusion, and enable research on the future and sustainability of the Internet. In addition, our portfolio supports important work to promote Internet governance and support a safe Internet.

We currently support grantees in 69 countries across 6 continents, and awarded USD $18,388,172 in funding in 2023.

Use the interactive map below to learn more about the projects, people and places we’re funding around the world.

The boundaries and names shown on this site do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Internet Society Foundation concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area of its authorities. Dotted and dashed lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. We use ISO 3166 country codes and names. We show boundaries as indicated by the UN Geospatial Network.

Enhancing Subsea Cable Protection and Resilience in the Caribbean

February 2024

Implementing a Model Community-Led, Sustainable Internet Resilience Solution for Disaster

December 2023

Portable Network Kit: Organizing Communities for Resilience

January 2024

RECon (Response to Emergencies by Community Networks)

January 2024

Digitruck Salone

February 2024

Community Network and Digital Schooling in Northern Malawi

November 2023

Designing & Defining a Digital World in Children’s Best Interests, Phase 2

January 2024

Expanding Internet Roshni (Light) for the vulnerable tea tribe & Adivasi Community in Assam and West Bengal in India

November 2023

Revitalizing the metro eduroam deployment using RENU-owned Wi-Fi Infrastructure Countrywide

October 2023

The Green Screen Climate Justice and Digital Rights Catalyst Fund

October 2023

Are you working on any of the themes we fund? See below for more details behind our funding areas.