Internet continuity for a better Lebanon

1 February 2024
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Empowering Lebanon’s Internet through Effective Governance

1 February 2024
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NetNite and Website revamp

1 February 2024
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Better Internet For Everyone in Lebanon

1 February 2024
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Lebanese IGF Online Annual Event

1 February 2024
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Laptops and Tablets to Zahrat El-Ihsan school

1 February 2024
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ISOC-LB Gaby Deek Innovation Award

1 February 2024
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Lebanese NetNites

1 February 2024
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Transition of the Management and Operation of the .LB ccTLD to ISOC Lebanon Chapter

4 January 2024
Computer key with the Lebanon on it. Male hand pressing computer key with Lebanon flag.

OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT  The purpose of the project is to sustain the transition of the administrative and technical operations of .LB ccTLD to the ISOC Lebanon Chapter and update the delegation record for .LB at IANA. The .LB Domain Names Registry ccTLD was created in 1993 by the late Nabil Bukhaled, Internet Society Hall…

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