Digitruck Salone: an innovative way to connect and train women and youth in Sierra Leone 

11 July 2024

By Gustavo Streger Access to Internet connectivity in rural Sierra Leone is limited and expensive. According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), only 21,3% of households have Internet access via a fixed or mobile network, and only 5,6% of homes have a computer. According to Media Matters for Women, very few people, most of whom are…

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Building the Library of the Future: How the SOLE Lab is Empowering Indigenous Communities

26 March 2024
Three girls use a computer aided by a man

The Internet has the potential to revolutionize learning, but more than access is needed. This is where Fundación SOLE Colombia, a grantee of the Internet Society Foundation’s BOLT program, comes in. They created a SOLE Lab, a physical space where people can access and use the Internet collaboratively to answer questions important to the community. …

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