How the Internet Society Armenia Chapter is Empowering Rural Libraries to Bridge the Digital Divide 

21 October 2024

Around the world, the digital divide poses a significant obstacle to economic opportunity, education, and social inclusion. In Armenia, this divide is most pronounced in rural communities and former centers of industrial manufacturing, where an estimated third of Armenians living in poverty reside. Lack of access to the Internet and computers prevents rural Armenians from…

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Casting a wider Net through training for women in Mali 

26 September 2024
Mali Chapter program participants. You can see a dozen of woman with cables after the IT training.

In a country where few women and girls attend secondary school, let alone higher education and even fewer pursue careers in STEM, 25 women, and girls are bucking that trend, bolstered by practical training made possible by a Beyond the Net Grant from the Internet Society Foundation.   More than a decade of conflict and deeply rooted gender…

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Tackling Zimbabwe’s urban food insecurity through the Internet of Things

26 March 2020
Woman in a lab coat working on a plant experiment

After decades of steady decline, world hunger is on the rise. An estimated 821 million people in the world suffered from hunger in 2018, and Africa remains the world’s most food-insecure region. Similar to urban slums around the world, Zimbabwe’s densely populated slum of Mbare faces several challenges that affect the community’s access to food.…

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Students Use Technology to Preserve Piikani Culture and Language

20 February 2020
Piikani man at home being filmed

There are an estimated 6,000 languages spoken globally, but according to the United Nations nearly half are endangered Only a few hundred have been given a place in education systems and the public domain. Less than a hundred languages are used in the digital world.

After centuries of colonization and discrimination, Indigenous languages face the greatest threats.

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In Sri Lanka, Increasing Girls’ Enrollment in Tech

11 February 2020
Girls in a classroom holding a circuit board

In Sri Lanka girls make up a little over 50% of the school population, but just 20% of those studying Information and Communications Technology. Girls in Technology, launched by the Internet Society Sri Lanka Chapter in 2018, wants to change that.

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TunapandaNET: A Scalable Solution to Address Global Challenges

17 October 2019
Josephine Miliza of the Tunapanda Institute with on a balcony at St Christine school in the slum community of Kibera

In one of the largest urban slums in Africa, people live in abject poverty. The nearly 200,000 residents of Kibera, located in Nairobi, Kenya, have an average income of a little over $1 a day, while many people lack access to basic amenities such as adequate medical care and clean piped water. In 2016 the Tunapanda Institute decided to address some of these issues.

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In Kenya, Helping Kids Use the Internet Responsibly

9 September 2019
Man looking at mobile phone

A recent survey on how children use the Internet, included some surprises. “Safe Online, Safe On Land” addresses some of these issues.

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Access to Quality Education in Paraguay

26 July 2019

Colegio Técnico Nacional (CTN), a secondary school located in Asunción, is one of the top schools in Paraguay offering the technical baccalaureate.

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Contributing to a Better Policy Environment in Nepal

3 June 2019
Four nepalese men at a table working on laptops

Recently, the Federal Parliament of Nepal introduced two pieces of legislation: the Individual Privacy bill, which deals with online privacy and data protection, and the Information Technology bill, which aims to replace the existing Electronic Transaction Act and has a broad scope.

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Testing Drones for Post-Disaster Operations in the Philippines

14 May 2019
Drone flying in front of a mountain range

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) – more commonly known as drones – can be a powerful tool to speed up the post-disaster assessment process.

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